National Cyber Security Awareness Month is hosted every October by the Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance. Multiple agencies and organizations, including the FBI, collaborate to raise awareness about cybersecurity and stress the collective effort needed to stop cyber intrusions and online thefts and scams. The FBI asks every user of a connected device to secure and protect it during National Cyber Security Awareness Month. Add an additional layer of security to your devices like multi-factor authentication – to better protect your personal information.
Every click, share, send and post you make creates a digital trail that can be exploited by criminals. To protect yourself from becoming a victim secure your digital profile. Also, do not give someone the right to read your emails as I did. In my situation when my “ex” posted 1000s of my emails online he claimed he had the right to post them because I had given him the right to read them. Keep in mind that laws for online activity are way behind our laws in the real world which means it’s up to you to keep yourself safe to avoid unnecessary headaches from stalker obsessed perpetrators.
Know how to report a cyber crime to the FBI:
Visit the FBI’s Cyber Crime page, list of common scams, and the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) to learn about current online risks.
Use the IC3 complaint form to report crimes when they occur.
Keep yourself safe online this October and always.