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Meet Tina Reine

Speaker, Performer, and Upstander.


As a child, when I spoke the kids would mock my speech and make it sound as though they were talking through their noses. It happened so often that I avoided speaking around others.

But, my family and stuffed animals never made fun of me.


As an adult, speaking didn’t get any easier. I spent my career ducking out of meetings that would potentially require me to speak. My first job after getting my MBA was at an investment bank. I still remember the day I got called on to answer a question in front of my peers. Instead of answering using my voice, I wrote the answer on a piece of paper, pretending to have laryngitis.


Not speaking up for yourself can have devastating results. Five years ago, my life took an unexpected turn. I was the victim of severe online harassment from an ex-boyfriend-turned-stalker. It was so extreme that it shut down my career and my social life.


I became passionate about raising awareness around cyber harassment, its debilitating effects and how it leaves victims feeling powerless. After all the years of bullying and, later, cyberbullying, I finally decided to stand up for myself. I remembered my grandfather was a Toastmaster. He was a smart man, and if he found value in it, I would too. 

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Cyber Harassment speaking engagements

  • The American Center at US Embassy in Moscow

  • Women's Media Center, D.C.

  • Microsoft Panel Discussion

  • NPR Interview on Milwaukee's Lake Effect

  • Tribeca Film Festival

  • Dr Jane Greer Radio Show

  • Loreal's Women of Worth event for Cyber Civil Rights organization


Tina also gave a TEDx talk in March 2017 at a middle school in Palm Beach County. She shares her story of growing up with a facial birth defect and how finding your passion can get you through the tough times in life. For her, those tough times were Bullying and feeling "different" and being told she was not normal looking. Her talk was titled, "A Girl's Passion".

Aerial Performer

She also teaches aerial acrobatics to children and adults, encouraging them to be strong both mentally and physically.


Performance at TEDxBocaRaton

Ted Ex
Watch Now

Articles and Interviews

Tina is featured in Marlo Thomas’s book, It Ain’t Over . . . Till It’s Over: Reinventing Your Life and Realizing Your Dream–Anytime, at Any Age, includes a chapter about Reine growing up with a facial deformity and then starting aerial acrobatics in her forties. The article can be seen on the Huffington Post.


More articles published by or about Tina:


NPR- The Toll Cyber Harassment Takes on Victims


How having a Facial Deformity taught me to Love all of Myself


Microsoft Panel- fight to end Online Harassment


Toastmasters- The Courage to Speak


Invite Tina to Speak 

Bullying - Tina’s TEDxBenjaminSchool talks about being bullied and the impact that has. Tina will speak at schools, or to children's groups, on how to deal with Bullying.


Cyber Harassment - Tina gives a moving speech on the debilitating effects of cyber harassment. She adds in helpful tips on how to keep yourself safe online and how to report online harassment.


This is a great resource for parents to help keep your children safe online. It really runs the gamut of keeping kids safe on social media, with gaming and streaming content. It even talks about cyberbullying and how to support your child if they are being bullied online.

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